Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 53

I was trying to thing of an interesting poster idea for the tea party. I looked at blogs that had slogan ideas but nothing grabbed me... then this weekend I heard Obama reading Green Eggs and Ham to the Egg Roll kids... Inspiration! I drew Sam-I-Am's body, and then googled an Obama head shot hopefully looking off a little to his right... the first pic was the dangly cigarette one... jackpot!

So here is Obam-I-Am in all his glory. I hope nobody else thought of this!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 51 & 52

We had a fun weekend because Auntie Leslee and Cousin Saadia came to visit us from California -- yesterday Nana came over too, and we had Easter Brunch together. Aside from some rain on Friday, the weekend was picture perfect and warm for early April!! The trees are budding already, the earliest in 10 years since we moved here.

My hyacinths are in full bloom and I swear they smell more fragrant than they ever have... man oh man do I love spring!!!